Yaser Peiro


Research Associate

Via della Madonna Alta,126
Perugia , Italy – 06128
Email: yaserpeiro@gmail.com

Research interest

The research activities mainly regard:

  1. Rainfall Induced Landslides
  2. Slope Stability Analysis
  3. Unsaturated Soil behavior
  4. Probabilistic Analysis


Yaser Peiro was born in Behbahan, Iran, in 1989. He received his M.S. degree in Civil Engineering-Geotechnical Engineering  from Iran University of Science and Technology ,Tehran, Iran in 2014.  From May to November 2022 he carried out a research visit at the Research Institute of Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Perugia (Italy) where he developed his research on the prediction of landslides using soil moisture data.

In a joint agreement with the CNR-IRPI, Yaser has been a Ph.D. candidate since November 2022 for the International Doctorate in Science Applied to Wellness and Sustainability at the University of Ecampus (Italy). He is currently working on a thesis entitled “Monitoring and Detecting Landslides Using Satellite Remotely Sensed Data”.


Awards and Recognitions

  • The scholarship of University of Ecampus , Novertade, Italy for PhD degree, starting from academic year 2022/2023.
  • Best Lecturer Award for the Academic Year (2017/1028), Payam Nur University,Iran.
  • Ranked 30th among 998 participants (master students) in Iran’s National University Entrance Examination for PhD degree in Geotechnical Engineering (2016).
  • Ministry of Science, Research and Technology scholarship for Exceptional Talents for PhD degree at Shiraz University of Technology -Iran, academic year of 2016.
  • Ministry of Science, Research and Technology scholarship for Exceptional Talents for MSc degree at Iran University of Science and Technology-Iran, academic year of 2011.




  1. Johari, Ali, and Yaser Peiro “Determination of stochastic shear strength parameters of a real landslide by back analysis” International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application, 2021
  2. 2020

  3. Johari, Ali, and Yaser Peiro “Determination of shear strength parameters for a landslide by probabilistic back analysis -a case study in Iran” 6th International Reliability and Safety Engineering Conference, 2020, Shiraz, Iran


  5. Johari, Ali, and Yaser Peiro “Prediction of Uncertain Failed Slope Shear Strength Parameters by Stochastic Back-Analysis” 4th Iranian Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 2019, Tehran, Iran


  7. Peiro, Yaser and Hassan Baziar “The effect of functionalized carbon nanotubes addition on the tensile strength of concrete” National Conference on Modern Materials and Construction Technology, 2016, Yazd, Iran

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