Silvia Barbetta


Senior Researcher

Via della Madonna Alta,126
Perugia , Italy – 06128


Office Phone: +39 0755014-417


Research interest

The main research interests of Silvia Barbetta are the real time flood forecasting modeling and the forecast uncertainty assessment. In particular, the research activity deals with the development of forecasting models based on flood wave routing process to support in real time the flood risk management activities and with the assessment of the uncertainty to be coupled with the forecast quantity derived through different approaches.

Other research interests are related to:

– discharge assessment at ungauged river sites
– hydraulic risk assessment in flooding prone areas
– flood wave routing modelling
– hydrological and hydraulic modelling
– hydro-meteorological monitoring
– streamflow measurements
– water resources management
– bridges and levees vulnerability


Silvia Barbetta was born in Perugia, Italy, in 1974. She received the M.S. degree in Environmental Engineering with excellence from the University of Perugia, Italy, in 2001. Since 2001 she received a Scholarship and, successively, a Research Fellowship to carry research at the Research Institute of geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Perugia (Italy) under the project “Flood wave formation processes”. She has been a Researcher at CNR-IRPI in the period 2009-2022. Since January 2023, she is a Senior Researcher.

She serves as reviewer for different international journals (among them: Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Journal of Hydroinformatics, Water Resources Management, Remote Sensing, Water Resources Research, Hydrological Processes, Water) and has been co-author of more than 60 papers (journal and conference proceedings) and more than 50 scientific reports on the above topics. She has held more than 30 presentations at conference and workshops and she participated to more than 30 seminars held by Italian and foreign professors.

Moreover, she has actively participated in several research projects in the frame of Italian and European programs and in collaboration with Italian and international institutions.
She is member of the Italian Hydrological Society (SII), the Italian Group of Hydraulics (GII), the international Environmental Modelling and Software society (iEMSs) and the European Geophysical Union (EGU). She has been co-director of 7 Master Thesis and 4 PhD thesis.

Awards and Recognitions

2017: “2017 SMART RIVER AWARD, Best Paper” (co-author), for “Levee body vulnerability to seepage and impact of animal burrows” by Palladino, M.R., Barbetta, S., Camici S., Claps P., Moramarco, T., given by International Conference REMTECH ESONDA EXPO.

2016: IDRA2016 Poster Award (co-author), for “Potenziale dei dati satellitari per la previsione delle piene nel Fiume Benue in Nigeria” by Angelica Tarpanelli, Giriraj Amarnath, Luca Brocca, Christian Massari, Silvia Barbetta, Tommaso Moramarco.

2014: “EGU Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award” (co-author), for “River discharge estimation by using remote sensing data in absence of bathymetry: the Po River case study” by Tarpanelli, A., Barbetta, S., Brocca, L., Lacava, T., Faruolo, M., Moramarco, T., given by European Geophysical Union (EGU).


Silvia Barbetta actively participated to several research projects in the frame of Italian and European programs in collaboration with Italian and International institutions.

International projects

  • Project Responsability, PI of the Italian partner. Significant Project – Italy-India Joint Science and Technology Cooperation – Call for Joint Project Proposal  for the years 2021-2023, “Probabilistic floods and sediment transport forecasting in the Himalayas during the extreme events (FLOSET)”, 2022-2024.
  • Unit responsibility. Progetto INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020: “Multihazard framework for water related risks management (MUHA)’”, 2019-2022,
  • WP Responsability.  MED+ Hydrology RI Science (4DMed-Hydrology) – EXPRO (4DMED project), ESA Contract No. 4000136272/21/I-EF, Nov 2021 – Nov 2023,
  • Participation. Unmanned Airborne Water Observing System (UAWOS), Call HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01, Topic HORIZON-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01-07, Feb. 2023-Feb. 2027.
  • Participation. Open-Earth-Monitor (OEMC), Call HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01, Topic HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-16, Jun. 2022-Jun. 2026.
  • Participation. Irrigation+ project, ESA Contract No. 4000129870/20/I-NB, 2020-2023.
  • Participation.  DTE-Hydrology project, CCN 1  ESA Contract No. 4000129870/20/I-NB, Sept. 2020-Sept. 2021.
  • Participation. Alps applications priorities under regional initiative 3 (DTE Alps project), proposal in response to ESA ITT: EOP-SD-SOW-0148, Sep. 2022-Sept. 2023.
  • Participation. extrAIM – AI-enhanced uncertainty quantification of satellite-derived hydroclimatic extremes, ESA Contract No. 4000137111/22/I-EF, Jan. 2022 – Jan. 2024.
  • Participation. EU Life+2011 ENV/GR/ “FLoods and fire Risk assessment and management (FLIRE)” Oct 2012- Sep. 2015.
  • Participation. Progetto DG ENVIRONMENT-Desertification 2011: “Assessment of water Balances and Optimisation based Target setting across EU River Basins (ABOT)”, number code: 07.032900/2011/612888/SUB/D1. Jan. 2012- Mar. 2013.
  • Participation. Progetto INTERREG III B CADSES “FLOODMED” (Monitoring, forecasting and best practices for FLOOD Mitigation and prevEntion in the CADSES region). Mar. 2006 – Apr. 2008.
  • Participation. Progetto Europeo Interreg IIIB Cadses, RISKAWARE, “Advanced Weather forecasting system to Advice on Risk Events and management. Gen. 2004 – Dic. 2006.

National Projects

  • Responsability. Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC). Agreement between the Department of Italian Civil Protection and CNR. IRPI-CNR. Dec. 2022 – Dece. 2024. Responsability WP on ‘Database Nazionale Arginature DANTE – DEWETRA’.
  • Responsability. Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Centrale. Accordo per ‘Applicazione su bacini pilota del Distretto di modelli di impatto dei cambiamenti climatici su sistemi di approvvigionamento idrico’ nell’ambito del POA – POA FSC 2014-2020 – Sotto Piano Interventi per la tutela del territorio e delle acque (ACQUACENTRO), 2022-2024.
  • Responsability. Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell’Appennino Centrale. Accordo per ‘Misure di prevenzione tese a supportare ed ottimizzare la pianificazione di gestione e la programmazione e realizzazione degli interventi di cui ai piani di gestione rischio alluvioni (PGRA)” nell’ambito del POA – Piano Operativo Ambiente – sotto piano “Interventi per la tutela del territorio e delle acque (FLOris-MAN)’, 2022-2025.
  • Responsability. Regione Umbria. Convenzione per ‘Collaborazione tecnico-scientifica nell’attività di studio volta a incrementare le conoscenze della risorsa idrica per le successive azioni di previsione e valutazione degli estremi del ciclo idrologico, della mitigazione del rischio da siccità e alluvioni, della gestione adattiva della risorsa, alla base della pianificazione regionale e di Distretto attraverso l’esecuzione di una campagna straordinaria di misure di portata sul territorio regionale e il relativo aggiornamento delle scale di deflusso (FLO-CAMP)’, 2022-2024.
  • Responsability. Progetto Nazionale ‘Previsione delle onde di piena e valutazione del rischio idraulico (FloRis)’. 2016-2021,
  • Unit responsibility. Ufficio Speciale per la Ricostruzione nel Territorio della Regione Marche, Progetto ’ Supporto scientifico, tecnico e strategico in merito alla definizione di dettaglio, ubicazione e progettazione di interventi di mitigazione del rischio idrogeologico nel territorio dei comuni di Castelsantangelo sul Nera, Ussita e Visso interessati dagli eventi sismici verificatisi a partire dal 24 Agosto 2016’. 2019-2020.
  • Responsability. EAUT. Diga di Casanuova sul Fiume Chiascio, affidamento di attività di analisi e verifica per la sicurezza idrologica ed idraulica dei territori vallivi. 2016-2017.
  • Responsability. EAUT. Diga di Montedoglio sul Fiume Tevere, affidamento di attività di analisi e verifica per la sicurezza idrologica ed idraulica dei territori vallivi. 2016-2017.
  • Responsability. EAUT. Sbarramento di Montedoglio sul Fiume Tevere, affidamento delle attività di aggiornamento degli effetti di propagazione delle onde di piena. 2015-2016.
  • Responsability. Regione Umbria. Affidamento del servizio inerente all’implementazione operativa dell’elaborazione di scenari dinamici di rischio alluvionale e diffusione risultati su tecnologie web-Gis, anche in ambito recepimento Direttiva alluvioni 2007. Comunità Europea POR-FESR (Programma operativo regionale del fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) sviluppato dalla Regione Umbria. 2012-2013.
  • Participation. Progetto PRIN 2018 “IntEractions between hydrodyNamics and bioTic communities in fluvial Ecosystems: advancement in the knowledge and undeRstanding of PRocesses and ecosystem sustainability by the development of novel technologieS with fIeld monitoring and laboratory testing (ENTERPRISING)’. 2019-2023,
  • Participation. Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC). Agreement between the Department of Italian Civil Protection and CNR. IRPI-CNR 24164/2015. Feb. 2013- Sept. 2016.
  • Participation. Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC). Agreement between the Department of Italian Civil Protection and CNR. IRPI-CNR. Nov. 2018 – May 2019.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto “Sviluppo della conoscenza degli eventi estremi nel bacino del fiume Tevere mediante analisi, verifica e validazione dei dati idrometeorologici utili all’aggiornamento della piattaforma del Servizio Idrografico regionale”. Gen-Giu 2016.
  • Participation. Progetto di Interesse NEXTDATA-CNR, Progetto speciale ‘Experimental hydrological database for Appennine basins (DIBA)’, WP 1.2. 2014, 2016-2018.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto “Studio di fattibilità per la messa in sicurezza idraulica dell’area urbana di Pistrino mediante misure di intervento strutturali”, 2015-2016.
  • Participation. Provincia Perugia. Progetto “Aree allagabili del Fiume Tevere in prossimità dell’abitato della Frazione di Pian di San Martino nel Comune di Todi”, 2014.
  • Participation. Comunità Europea POR-FESR (Programma operativo regionale del fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) sviluppato dalla Regione Umbria. Progetto “Redazione di mappe delle aree allagabili dei corsi d’acqua del reticolo secondario del Fiume Tevere (Rio Grande e Fosso Leonessa) e studio evento di piena 11-14 Novembre 2012 (Paglia-Chiani e Nestore)”, 2012-2013.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto “Elaborazione e modellazione dati idrometeorologici per la previsione e il preannuncio del rischio idraulico con ripristino delle teleferiche”, 2006-2012.
  • Participation. Comunità Europea POR-FESR (Programma operativo regionale del fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) sviluppato dalla Regione Umbria. Progetto “SECLI Rischio Siccità e Cambiamento Climatico”, 2009-2011.
  • Participation. Comunità Europea POR-FESR (Programma operativo regionale del fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) sviluppato dalla Regione Umbria. Progetto “Scenari dinamici di rischio alluvionale”, 2009-2011.
  • Participation. Comunità Europea POR-FESR (Programma operativo regionale del fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale) sviluppato dalla Regione Umbria. Progetto “Redazione delle mappe di aree allagabili”, 2009-2011.
  • Participation. Consorzio Bonifica Val di Chiana e Val di Paglia. Progetto “Studio idrologico del bacino del Fiume Paglia e aggiornamento delle fasce di pericolosità idraulica del tratto terminale del corso principale”, 2010-2011.
  • Participation. Progetto PRIN 2008 “Integrazione di misure idrometriche in alveo per il monitoraggio delle portate e dei parametri di resistenza idraulica di un corso d’acqua”, Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)”, 2008-2010.
  • Participation. EAUT. Progetto Scientifico “Verifica funzionalità organi di scarico diga di Casanuova sul Fiume Chiascio” in cooperazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale – Università degli Studi di Perugia. 2008-2010.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto Scientifico “Modellistica idrologica in continuo di tipo afflussi-deflussi e di routing per la previsione delle piene in tempo reale di supporto alle attività del Centro Funzionale della Regione Umbria; omogeneizzazione delle informazioni georeferenziate delle opere idrauliche ricadenti nel territorio regionale”. 2008-2009.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto “Redazione delle mappe di allagabilità per i tratti fluviali del reticolo secondario del Fiume Tevere”. 2003-2009.
  • Participation. Autorità di bacino del Tevere. Progetto “Supporto tecnico scientifico per attività connessa al rischio idraulico nel territorio della Regione Umbria ai fini anche della redazione di cartografia delle aree inondate dall’evento alluvionale del novembre-dicembre 2005”. 2007-2008.
  • Participation. EAUT. Progetto “Sicurezza idrologica della diga di Montedoglio sul fiume Tevere, della diga di Casanuova sul fiume Chiascio, della diga sul torrente Sovara e della diga del Calcione sul torrente Foenna” in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale – Università degli Studi di Perugia”. 2005-2007.
  • Participation. Regione Umbria. Progetto “Elaborazione dei dati idro-meteorologici acquisiti mediante la rete di monitoraggio regionale e predisposizione per la loro pubblicazione e divulgazione via internet – Ottimizzazione della rete – Ripristino teleferiche”. 2004-2005.
  • Participation. Attività dell’Unità Operativa 1.47 del Gruppo Nazionale Catastrofi Idrogeologiche (GNDCI) del CNR presso il CNR-IRPI di Perugia. Membro Unità Operativa. 2002-2003.

Academic and lecturing

  • She serves as a teacher in the “Diplomazia 2” program of CNR and in the ‘Sentinelle del Territorio’ program of CNR-IRPI.
  • She has directed 8 M.Sc. theses and 4 PhD theses and has been tutor of students and scholarships working in the hydrology and hydraulic applied research areas at the CNR. She has been member of many research fellowship and scholarship committees.




  • Bahmanpouri F., Lazzarin T., Barbetta S., Moramarco T.,Viero D. (2023), Estimating flood discharge at river bridges using the Entropy theory: Insights from Computational Fluid Dynamics flow fields (under review on Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, HESS,
  • Kechnit D., Tshimanga R.M., Ammari A., Trigg M.A., Carr A.B., Bahmanpouri, Barbetta S., Moramarco T. (2023), Employing an entropy-based approach for bathymetry and discharge estimation in large rivers (under review, Water Resources Research).
  • Bahmanpouri F., Termini D., Barbetta S., Gualtieri C., Dionigi M., Moramarco T. (2023), Investigating hydrodynamics and turbolent effects for different flow conditions using spatial complexity metrics (under review, Journal of Hydrology).
  • Brocca L., Barbetta S., Camici S., Ciabatta L.,  Dari J., Filippucci P., Massari C., Modanesi S., Tarpanelli A., Bonaccorsi B., Mosaffa H., Wagner W., Vreugdenhil M., Quast R., Alfieri L., Gabellani S., Avanzi F., Rains D., Miralles D.G., Mantovani S., Brese C., Domeneghetti A., Jacob A., Castelli M., Camps-Valls G.,  Volden E., Fernandez D. (2023), The Digital Twin Earth for the Water Cycle: mapping the future with high-resolution earth observation,
    Front. Sci., 05 March 2024, Volume 1 – 2023 |
  • Azimi S., Massari C., Formetta G., Barbetta S., Tazioli A., Fronzi D., Modanesi S., Tarpanelli A., Rigon R. (2023). Resolving the water budget of a complex carbonate basin in Central Italy with parsimonious modelling solutions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Volume 27, issue 24, HESS, 27, 4485–4503, 2023,  
  • Tarpanelli A., Bonaccorsi B., Sinagra M., Domeneghetti A., Brocca L., Barbetta S. (2023), Flooding in the Digital Twin Earth: the case study of the Enza river levee breach in December 2017.  Water 202315(9), 1644;
  • Barbetta S., Sahoo B., Bonaccorsi B., Nanda T., Chatterjee C., Moramarco T., Todini E. (2023), Addressing effective real-time forecasting inflows to dams through predictive uncertainty estimate. Journal of Hydrology, Available online 12 April 2023, Volume 620, Part B, 129512.
  • J. Dari, L. Brocca, S. Modanesi, C. Massari, A. Tarpanelli, S. Barbetta, R. Quast, M. Vreugdenhil, V. Freeman, A. Barella-Ortiz, P. Quintana-Seguí, D. Bretreger, E. Volden (2023), Regional data sets of high-resolution (1 and 6 km) irrigation estimates from space, Earth System Science Data ESSD,
  • Bahmanpouri F., Termini D., Barbetta S., Dionigi M., Moramarco T. (2023), Significance of hydraulic complexity parameters M1 and M2 based on laboratory and field data. Hydrology Research 2023; nh2023089. doi:


  • Bahmanpouri, F.Eltner, A.Barbetta, S.Bertalan, L., & Moramarco, T. (2022). Estimating the average river cross-section velocity by observing only one surface velocity value and calibrating the entropic parameterWater Resources Research58, e2021WR031821.
  • Barbetta S., Bonaccorsi B., Tsitsifli S., Boljat I., Argiris P., Lukač Reberski J., Massari C., Romano E. (2022). Assessment of flooding impact on water supply systems: a comprehensive approach based on DSS. Water Resources Management,
  • Bonaccorsi B.Moramarco T.Noto L. V., & Barbetta S. (2022). A multilayer soil approach for seepage process analysis in earthen leveesJournal of Flood Risk Management, e12801.
  • F. Bahmanpouri, S. Barbetta, C. Gualtieri, M. Ianniruberto, N. Filizola, D. Termini, T. Moramarco, Prediction of river discharges at confluences based on Entropy theory and surface-velocity measurements, Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 127404, ISSN 0022-1694,


  • Massari, C.; Modanesi, S.; Dari, J.; Gruber, A.; De Lannoy, G.J.M.; Girotto, M.; Quintana-Seguí, P.; Le Page, M.; Jarlan, L.; Zribi, M.; et al. A Review of Irrigation Information Retrievals from Space and Their Utility for Users. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4112.
  • International Altimetry Team,  Altimetry for the future: building on 25  years of progress, Advances in Space Research, 68(2), 319-363,


  • Sinagra M., Nasello C., Tucciarelli T., Barbetta S., Massari C., Moramarco T. (2020) ‘A self-contained and automated method for flood hazard maps prediction in urban areas’, Water 2020, 12, 1266; doi:10.3390/w12051266,
  • Manfreda S., Pizarro A., Moramarco T., Cimorelli L., Pianese D., Barbetta S. (2020) ‘Is it really advantageous the adoption of the flow-area rating curve?’, Journal of Hydrology, 
  • Alimenti F., Bonafoni S., Gallo E., Palazzi V. Vincenti Gatti R., Mezzanotte P., Roselli L., Zito D., Barbetta S., Corradini C., Termini D., Moramarco T. (2020) ‘Non-contact measurement of river surface velocity and discharge estimation with a low-cost doppler radar sensor’, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 10.1109/TGRS.2020.2974185.
  • Palladino M.R., Barbetta S., Camici S., Claps P., Moramarco T. (2020) ‘Impact of animal burrows on earthen levee body vulnerability to seepage’, J Flood Risk Management.2020;13 (Suppl. 1):e12559,


  • Sahoo B., Perumal M., Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Soumyaranjan (2019): A multilinear discrete Nash-cascade model for stage-hydrograph routing in compound river channels, Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1699243.
  • Massari C., Maggioni V., Barbetta S., Brocca L., Ciabatta L., Camici S., Moramarco T., Coccia G., Todini E. (2019) ‘Complementing near-real time satellite rainfall products with satellite soil moisture-derived rainfall through a Bayesian Inversion approach’, J. of Hydrol., 573, 341-351,
  • Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Bjerklie D., Fulton J., Tarpanelli A. (2019) ‘Estimating River Bathymetry and Discharge using Remote sensing’, Water Resources Research, 55, 6692–6711. 2018WR024220.



  • Barbetta S., Moramarco T., Perumal M. (2017), ‘A Muskingum-based methodology for river discharge estimation and rating curve development under significant lateral inflow conditions’,  J. of Hydrol., 554, 216-232,
  • Barbetta S., Coccia G., Moramarco T., Brocca L., and Todini E. (2017). Improving the effectiveness of real-time flood forecasting through Predictive Uncertainty estimation: the multi-temporal approach, J. of Hydrol., 51, 555-576, doi: 
  • Moramarco T., Barbetta S., A. Tarpanelli (2017), ‘From surface flow velocity measurements to discharge assessment by the entropy theory’, Water, 9(2), 120; doi:10.3390/w9020120.
  • Spada E., Sinagra M., Tucciarelli T., Barbetta S., Moramarco T., Corato G. (2017). ‘Assessment of river flow with significant lateral inflow through reverse routing modeling’, Hydrological Processes, 31(7), 1539-1557; DOI: 10.1002/hyp.1112.
  • Barbetta S., Camici S., Bertuccioli P., Palladino M.R., Moramarco T., (2017). ‘Refinement of seepage vulnerability assessment for different flood magnitude in National levee database of Italy’, Hydrology Research (Special Issue Hydrology Days), 48.3, 763-775; doi: 10.2166/nh.2017.101.OI: 10.2166/nh.2017.101.


  • Barbetta S., Coccia G., Moramarco T., Todini E., (2016) ‘Case study: a real-time flood forecasting system with predictive uncertainty estimation for the Godavari River, India’, Water 2016, 8(10), 463; doi:3390/w8100463 (


  • Camici S., Barbetta S., Moramarco T. (2015), ‘Levee body vulnerability to seepage: the case study of the levee failure along the Foenna stream on 1 January 2006 (central Italy)’. Journal of Flood Risk Management, doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12137.
  • Barbetta, S., Camici, S. and Moramarco, T. (2015), A reappraisal of bridge piers scour vulnerability: a case study in the Upper Tiber River basin (central Italy). Journal of Flood Risk Management. doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12130.
  • Tarpanelli A., Brocca L., Barbetta S., Faruolo M., Lacava T., Moramarco T. (2015) Coupling MODIS and radar altimetry data for discharge estimation in poorly gauged river basin. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(1), 141-148.


  • Sahoo, B., Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., and  Barbetta S. (2014). “Rating Curve Development at Ungauged River Sites using Variable Parameter Muskingum Discharge Routing Method.” Water Resources Management, 10.1007/s11269-014-0709-9, 3783-3800, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014.
  • Domeneghetti A., Tarpanelli A., Brocca L., Barbetta S., Moramarco T., Castellarin A., Brath A. (2014) The use of remote sensing-derived water surface data for hydraulic model calibration. Remote Sensing of Environment, 149, 130-141.
  • Barbetta, S., Moramarco, T., Brocca, L., Franchini, M. and Melone, F. (2014), Confidence interval of real-time forecast stages provided by the STAFOM-RCM model: the case study of the Tiber River (Italy). Hydrol. Process., Vol 28, Issue 3, 30 January 2014, pages 729-743, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9613.
  • Alvisi S., Barbetta S., Franchini M., Melone F. and Moramarco T., “Comparing grey formulations of the velocity-area method and entropy method for discharge estimation with uncertainty”, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16.4, 797-811, 2014.
  • Massari C., Brocca L., Barbetta S., Papathanasiou C., Mimikou M., Moramarco T., “Using globally available soil moisture indicators for flood modelling in Mediterranean catchments’, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 839-853, 2014,, doi:10.5194/hess-18-839-2014.
  • Barbetta S. and Moramarco T. (2014), ‘Real-time flood forecasting by relating local stage and remote discharge’, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 59, Iss. 9, 1656-1674. DOI:10.1080/02626667.2014.884717.
  • Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Pandolfo C.,Tarpanelli A., Berni N. and R. Morbidelli (2014), ‘The spillway collapse of the Montedoglio dam on the Tiber River (central Italy): data collection and event analysis’, J. Hydrol. Eng., 19(6), 1264–1270.


  • Tarpanelli A., Barbetta S., Brocca L., Moramarco T. (2013) River discharge estimation by using altimetry data and simplified flood routing modeling. Remote Sensing, 5(9), 4145-4162.


  • Barbetta, S., Franchini, M., Melone, F., and Moramarco, T. (2012). “Enhancement and comprehensive evaluation of the Rating Curve Model for different river sites.”, J. Hydrol., 464-465, 376-387 (


  • Franchini, M., Bernini, A., Barbetta, S., and Moramarco, T. (2011). “Forecasting discharges at the downstream end of a river reach through two simple Muskingum based procedures.”, J. Hydrol., 399(3-4), 335-352.
  • Barbetta, S., Moramarco, T., Franchini, M., Melone, F., Brocca, L., and Singh, V.P. (2011). “Case Study: Improving real-time stage forecasting Muskingum model by incorporating the Rating Curve Model.” J. Hydrol. Engng., HEENG-781R1, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000345.
  • Perumal M., Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Melone F., Sahoo B. (2011), “Real-time flood stage forecasting by Parameter Muskingum Stage hydrograph routing method”, Hydrology Research, Vol. 42 No 2–3 pp 150–161 © IWA Publishing 2011 doi:10.2166/nh.2011.063.


  • Perumal M. Moramarco T., Sahoo B., Barbetta S. (2010), “On the practical applicability of the VPMS routing method for rating curve development at ungauged river sites”, Water Resources Research, Water Resour. Res., 46, W03522, doi:10.1029/2009WR008103, pp. 9.


  • Perumal M., Sahoo B., Moramarco T., Barbetta S. (2009), “Multilinear Muskingum method for stage-hydrograph routing in compound channels”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14(7), 663-670.
  • Tayfur G., Barbetta S. and Moramarco T. (2009), “Genetic Algorithm based discharges estimation at sites receiving lateral inflows”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14(5), 463-474.


  • Perumal M. Moramarco T., Sahoo B., Barbetta S. (2007), “A methodology for discharge estimation and rating curve development at ungauged river sites”, Water Resour. Res., 43, W02412, doi:10.1029/2005WR004609, pp. 22.


  • Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Melone F. & Singh V.P. (2006), “A real time stage Muskingum forecasting model for a site without rating curve”, Hydrological Science Journal, IAHS, 51(1), 66-82.


  • Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Melone F., Singh V.P. (2005), ” Relating local stage and remote discharge with significant lateral inflow”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10(1), 58-69.




  1. Barbetta S., Camici S., Palladino M.,R., Moramarco T. (2019), ‘Influenza delle tane nella vulnerabilità degli argini – Impact of burrows on the levee vulnerability to seepage’, ICIRBM -GUARDIA 2019 ‘Tecniche per la difesa del suolo e dall’inquinamento’, Vol. 40 – 2019, pag.67-75, Editors G. Frega and F. Macchione, ISBN: 978-88-97181-71-2; ISSN 2282-5517, EdiBios.


  1. Tarpanelli A., Domeneghetti A., Getirana A., Elmi O., Tourian M.J., Barbetta S. “Potential of the altimetry and optical sensors for monitoring and forecasting river discharge and extreme flood events”, Inland Water Altimetry, Editors: J. Benveniste, S. Vignudelli, A. Kostianoy, Springer.
  2. Barbetta S., Camici S., Palladino M.R., Moramarco T., ‘Refinement of seepage vulnerability estimate in National levee database of Italy’, XXXV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2016, Bologna, 14-16 Settembre 2016.
  3. Tarpanelli A., Amarnath G., Brocca L., Massari C., Barbetta S., Moramarco T., ‘Potenziale dei dati satellitari per la previsione delle piene nel Fiume Benue in Nigeria’, XXXV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2016, Bologna, 14-16 Settembre 2016.
  4. Moramarco T, Barbetta S., Brocca L., Tarpanelli A., ‘Which perspective from surface flow velocity measurement for the flood monitoring’, XXXV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2016, Bologna, 14-16 Settembre 2016.


  1. S. Barbetta, T. Moramarco (2015),’Real-time flood forecasting for hydraulic risk management: the lateral flow represaentation issue’, International Conference on Geo-Engineering and Climate Change Technologies for Sustainable Environmental Management GCCT-2015 October 9-11, 2015, MNNIT Allahabad, India. (invited key-note paper).
  2. A. Tarpanelli, L. Brocca, S. Barbetta, T. Moramarco, “Radar altimetry for inland water: current and potential applications”, SEOM-ESA international conference 2015, 12-14 October 2015, ESA-Esrin, Frascati, Rome (Italy).
  3. S. Barbetta, S. Camici, P. Maccioni  and T. Moramarco, “National Levee Database: monitoring, vulnerability assessment and management in Italy”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-10170, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.
  1. Barbetta, G. Coccia, T. Moramarco and E. Todini, “Improving the effectiveness of real-time flood forecasting through Predictive Uncertainty estimation: the multi-temporal approach”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-9858, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.
  1. T. Moramarco, F. Alimenti, G. Zucco, S. Barbetta, A. Tarpanelli, L. Brocca , P. Mezzanotte, L. Rosselli, G. Orecchini, M. Virili, P. Valigi, T. Ciarfuglia and S. Pagnottelli, ‘A prototype of radar-drone system for measuring the surface flow velocity at river sites and discharge estimation”,  Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12853, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.
  2. A. Tarpanelli, L. Brocca, S. Barbetta, T. Moramarco, J. Santos da Silva, and S. Calmant, “SARAL/Altika for inland water: current and potential applications”,  Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-9576-1, 2015, EGU General Assembly 2015.



  1. Tarpanelli, L. Brocca, S. Barbetta, T. Lacava, Mariapia Faruolo, T. Moramarco, (2014), “Integration of MODIS and radar altimetry data for river discharge estimation from space”, IAEG XII CONGRESS, Torino 2014, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory.
  2. Berni, L. Brocca , S. Barbetta, C. Pandofo, M Stelluti, T. Moramarco, “10-12 November 2013, Tiber River basin (central Italy) flood event: real-time flood forecasting with uncertainty supporting risk management and decision-making”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna.
  3. Domeneghetti, A. Tarpanelli, L. Brocca, S. Barbetta, T. Moramarco, A. Castellarin, A. Brath, “The use of ERS-2 and ENVISAT altimetry data for hydraulic model calibration”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna.
  4. Tarpanelli, S. Barbetta, L. Brocca, T. Lacava, M. Faruolo, T. Moramarco, “River discharge estimation by using remote sensing data in absence of bathymetry: the case study of the Po River”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2014, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna.
  5. Barbetta S., Camici S., Moramarco T., “Previsione di livelli idrometrici in siti fluviali a valle di confluenze mediante relazioni funzionali tra serie idrometriche”. XXXIV Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2014, Bari, 8-10 Settembre 2014.


  1. Tarpanelli, S. Barbetta, L. Brocca, T. Lacava, M. Faruolo, G. Balint, G. Di Baldassarre and T. Moramarco (2013), “River discharge estimation by using remote sensing data: the case study of the Danube River”, HYDRO2013 International, 18th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal and Environmental Engineering – December 04-06, 2013, Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras, India.
  2. Sahoo, M. Perumal, T. Moramarco, S. Barbetta (2013), “Rating Curve development in compound channels by Variable Parameter Muskingum Discharge routing method”, HYDRO2013 International, 18th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal and Environmental Engineering – December 04-06, 2013, Department of Ocean Engineering, IIT Madras, India.
  3. Barbetta, C. Saltalippi and T. Moramarco (2013). Comparison of two simple real-time flood forecast models: the case study of the Po River (Italy), Proceedings of 5th International Conference Water Resources and Sustainable Development (CIREDD2013), Algiers, Algeria (24-25 February 2013), 591-595.
  4. Barbetta, L. Brocca, A. Tarpanelli, F. Melone, V.P. Singh and T. Moramarco (2013). Discharge assessment in ungauged river sites by using satellite altimetry data: the case study of the Po River (Italy), 6th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, IPWE2013, Izmir, Turkey (7-9 January 2013).
  5. Domeneghetti A., Tarpanelli A, Barbetta S., Brocca L., Moramarco T., Castellarin A., Brath A. (2013) “The usefulness of ERS-2 and ENVISAT altimetry data for hydraulic model calibration”, Fall meeting AGU (9-13 dicembre, San Francisco).
  6. Tarpanelli A., Barbetta S., Brocca L., Moramarco T., 2013, “Comparing different sensors for discharge estimation from space”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-11590, 2013, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna.
  7. Domeneghetti A., Tarpanelli A., Barbetta S., Brocca L., Moramarco T., Castellarin A., Brath A., 2013, “On the usefulness of remote-sensing data for numerical hydraulic modelling”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-11590, 2013, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna.



  1. S. Alvisi, M. Franchini, S. Barbetta, F. Melone, T. Moramarco (2012), “A grey-based methodology for representing uncertainty in discharge measurements at a gauged river site” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2012, 14-18 July 2012, Hamburg, Germany,  R. Hinkelmann, M.H. Nasermoaddeli, S.Y. Liong, D. Savic, P. Fröhle and K.F. Daemrich Eds., 2012 (ISBN 978-3-941492-45-5).
  2. Barbetta S., Brocca L., Melone F., Moramarco T. (2012). Real-time flood forecasting by relating local stage and remote discharge, 5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, IPWE2012, Marrakesch, Morocco (4-7 January 2012).
  3. Moramarco T., Barbetta S., Tarpanelli A., Berni N., Pandolfo C., Pepi C., Morbidelli R. (2012). The disaster caused by the spillway failure of Montedoglio dam in central Italy, 5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment, IPWE2012, Marrakesch, Morocco (4-7 January 2012).
  4. Barbetta S., Melone F., Tarpanelli A., Moramarco T., “Studio di fattibilità per l’utilizzo di dati di livello da altimetro satellitare per la stima della portata in siti non strumentati: il caso del Fiume Po a Pontelagoscuro”, XXXIII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2012, Brescia, 10-15 Settembre, 2012.
  5. Tarpanelli A., Pandolfo C., Barbetta S., Berni N., Moramarco T., Morbidelli R. “The disaster caused by the spillway failure of the Montedoglio dam in central Itraly”, XXXIII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2012, Brescia, 10-15 Settembre, 2012.


  1. Barbetta S., Brocca L., Melone F., Moramarco T., Singh V.P. (2011). Addressing the uncertainty assessment for real-time stage forecasting. In: R.E. Beighley II and M.W. Killgore (Eds), World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011-Bearing knowledge for sustainability, American Society of Civil Engineers, Palm Springs, California, 4791-4800, doi 0.1061/41173(414)497.
  1. Tarpanelli A., Barbetta S., Brocca L., Melone F., Moramarco T., 2011, “Improving hydraulic modelling using remote sensing-derived flood extent data”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11590, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna.


  1. Perumal M., Moramarco T., Sahoo B., Barbetta S., Melone F., “Multilinear diffusion analogy model for stage hydrograph routing”, David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, Alexey A. Voinov,  Andrea Rizzoli, Tatiana Filatova  (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Firth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2010). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Ottawa, Canada, July 2010 (ISBN: 978-88-903574-1-1).
  1. Barbetta, S., Brocca, L., Melone, F., Moramarco, T. (2010). On the accuracy of a simple method for relating local stage and remote discharge. The First European Congress of the IAHR, Edinburgh, May 4-6, 2010, 7 pp.
  2. Barbetta, S., Brocca, L., Melone, F., Moramarco, T., Singh, V.P. (2010). Uncertainty assessment for real-time stage forecasting. In: R.N. Palmer (Ed), World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010 – Challenges of Change, American Society of Civil Engineers, Providence, Rhode Island, 2313-2323, doi 10.1061/41114(371)239.
  1. Brocca L., Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “A continuous rainfall-runoff model derived from investigations in a small experimental catchment”, Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins (Proceedings of the Workshop held at Goslar-Hahnenklee, Germany, 30 March–2 April 2009). IAHS Publ. 336, 2010, 179-185.
  2. Barbetta S., Brocca L., Camici S., Corato G., Melone F., Moramarco T., Tarpanelli A., 2010, “Analysis of climate changing effects on floods frequency through a continuous hydrological modelling”, Proceedings of the Indo-Italian Workshop on “Climate change and anthropogenic activities on soil and water resources”, 22-24 October 2010, Roorkee, India, pp. 42-45.
  3. Brocca L., Penna D., Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., Gobbi A., 2010, “Use of soil moisture data for rainfall-runoff modelling in alpine catchments”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Poster session, 2-7 May 2010, Vienna.
  4. Barbetta S., Franchini M., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Modello per la stima della scala di deflusso in siti fluviali con sole registrazioni di livello”, XXXII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2010, Palermo, 14-17 Settembre, 2010.


  1. Brocca L., Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., 2009, “Catchment runoff prediction based on outcomes from a small experimental basin”, In: A. Herrmann, S. Schumann (Eds), International Workshop on Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins, Papierflieger, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 33-38.
  1. Barbetta, S., Brocca, L., Melone, F., Moramarco, T. (2009). Monitoring network optimization for flood forecasting and warning purposes. In: S.K. Jain, V.P. Singh, V. Kumar, R. Kumar, R.D. Singh, K.d. Sharma (Eds), Water, Environment, Energy and Society, Proc. of WEES-2009, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (India), 770-779, ISBN: 978-81-8424-400-7.
  2. Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Barbetta, S., Melone, F., Sahoo B. (2009). Real-time flood forecasting using Muskinugm stage-hydrograph routing method. In: S.K. Jain, V.P. Singh, V. Kumar, R. Kumar, R.D. Singh, K.d. Sharma (Eds), Water, Environment, Energy and Society, Proc. of WEES-2009, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (India),735-741. ISBN: 978-81-8424-400-7.
  3. Barbetta S., Brocca L., Melone F., Moramarco T., 2009, “Improving a stage forecasting Muskingum model by relating local stage and remote discharge”, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-3039-1, EGU 2009, 19-24 April 2009, Vienna.



  1. Barbetta, S., Brocca, L., Melone, F., Moramarco, T. (2008). On the lateral inflow assessment within a real-time stage monitoring addressed to flood forecasting. In: M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A.E. Rizzoli, G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, 438-445, ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0.
  1. Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Sahoo, B., Barbetta, S. (2008). Multilinear Diffusion Analogy Model for Real-Time Streamflow Routing. In: M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A.E. Rizzoli, G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, 536-543, ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0.
  2. Berni, N., Viterbo, A., Pandolfo, C., Stelluti, M., Barbetta, S., Brocca, L. (2008). Effects of rainfall and soil/land use spatial distribution on hydrological response at different scales. In: M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A.E. Rizzoli, G. Guariso (Eds.), Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, 470-477, ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0. .
  1. Barbetta S., Brocca L., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Sull’accuratezza di un modello di previsione dei livelli idrometrici in tempo reale”, Atti XXXI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2008, Perugia, 9-12 Settembre, 2008, CD-ROM pp. 11.
  2. Berni N., Viterbo A., Pandolfo C., Stelluti M., Barbetta S., Brocca L., “Effetto della distribuzione spaziale della pioggia e del tipo e uso di suolo sulla risposta idrologica a scale differenti”, Atti XXXI Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche – IDRA 2008, Perugia, 9-12 Settembre, 2008, CD-ROM pp. 10.



  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “On the adaptive scheme of a stage forecasting Muskingum model”, In: R. Wamkeue (Ed.) Modelling and Simulation, IASTED Acta Press, Anaheim – Calgary – Zurich, 561-567, 2006.
  1. Barbetta, Pandolfo C., Stelluti M., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Un approccio metodologico per la perimetrazione delle aree inondabili in bacini non strumentati”, Atti XXX Congresso di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Roma, p.58., 2006.


  1. Barbetta S., Pandolfo C., Stelluti M., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Estimation of flooding-prone areas for ungauged river reaches”, In: M. Perumal et al. (Ed.) Hydrological Perspective for sustainable development (Volume I), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 78–91, 2005.
  2. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Accuracy of an adaptive water level forecasting model for sites without rating curve”, In: M. Perumal et al. (Ed.) Hydrological Perspective for sustainable development (Volume I), Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 92–103, 2005.



  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T, “A simple stage forecasting model for sites without rating curve”, In: L. Ubertini (Ed.) Environmental Modelling and Simulation, IASTED Acta Press, Anaheim (CA), 207-212, 2004.
  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Un metodo pratico per la stima della portata in siti idrometrici con scala di deflusso non nota”, Atti XXIX Congresso di Idraulica, Trento, Vol. I, 949-955, 2004.



  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “An efficient method for rating curve estimation from remote discharge”, In: M.H. Hamza (Ed.) Applied Simulation and Modelling, IASTED Acta Press, Anaheim (CA), 255-260, 2003.
  2. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., Singh V.P., “Hydraulic-hydrological components of an operational system for dam management”, In V.P. Singh and R.N. Yadava (Eds.) Water and Environment: Watershed Hydrology, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 252 – 262, 2003.
  3. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “An operational system to optimize the dam management and to minimize the downstream flooding risk”, Proceedings of the International Symposium: “The basis of civilization – Water science?”, organized by: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection (CNR-IRPI), International Year of Freshwater 2003, Rome 3-6 December 2003.


  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., Saltalippi C., “On discharge simulation from observed stage hydrographs”, In: L. Ubertini (Ed.) Applied Simulation and Modelling, IASTED Acta Press, Anaheim (CA), 566-570, 2002.
  1. Barbetta S., Melone F., Moramarco T., “Sull’accuratezza dei metodi di stima delle scale di deflusso”, Atti XXVIII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Potenza 16-19 Settembre 2002, Vol. I, 149-157, 2002.

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