Land cover change detection and monitoring methodologies based on the combined use of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 imagery for natural resources and hazard management. (COMMONS)
Contract No. ESRIN/1-7831/14/I-NB
SEOM SY 4Sci Synergy
Period: 2014 – 2016 (24 months)
Partners: The consortium is based on a close collaboration between 5partners:
- CLS: CLS – Radar Application Division France (Prime contractor)
- CNR : Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Subcontractor)
- EURAC : Eurac Italy (Subcontractor)
Description: ESA Sentinels missions will provide enhanced capabilities in the revisit frequency, and the coverage. Their complete exploitation is in the combination of the two to advantage of a further increased revisiting time and in the use of different wavelenght domains. This reflects in the capabilities to detect features of changes induced by different factors including natural hazards and crop managing. The objective of the COMMONS project is to develop and validate robust methods to generate land mapping products by using jointly Sentinel-1 C band SAR and Sentinel-2 optical imagery.